
張惠妹( 阿妹 ) 旅程歌詞


明明醒著的午後 感覺像個夢
暖暖吹著的微風 走過的路一幕幕在夢中
每當懷疑開始搖頭 相信總是緊握我的雙手

當我害怕的時候 什麼都沒把握
勇敢總是在左右 再困難的夢陪我一起做
每當傷心開始低頭 快樂悄悄走近對我訴說
讓我們抬頭看看天空 (雨後的天空會有彩虹)

Sunny day with the rain together 像苦與甜交織的景色
春天的花 冬天的寒冷 都是色彩繽紛的人生
Sunny day with the rain together 時間轉動著古老的緣份
黑暗的夜 明亮的早晨 那都是我們 豐盛的旅程


編曲:Martin Tang/呂紹淳

給我個擁抱 你就是我的驕傲 同時瘋也同時笑 有你我才彈得高
現在就擁抱 你就是我的驕傲 懸崖高山無人島 你的愛替我撐腰

抓住高山的野草 踏上大海的浪濤
每一個春夏秋冬 要和你一起往太陽奔跑

跟著我 抓緊繩索 望遠登高 你的笑在我行囊的每一角
一陣一陣 像小米酒 永遠又陳又香 你是我最珍視的寶
陪著我 海底探險 洞穴尋寶 給我最大的力量 衝刺奔跑
抓緊生命的每一秒 關鍵的每一秒 有你我才能驕傲

給我個擁抱 你就是我的驕傲 往前衝不往後逃 就是你了跟我來



是你的私事 你的決定 用不著聰明 心誠則靈
不須要在意 誰的反應 無論當時多清醒 又有誰能完全確定
人人都高興 愛會很公平

歌也許 會永遠動聽 人只怕 剩寂寥身影
我總是羨慕你有本領 追求你要的感情
雖然結局不一定 不去試試怎麼行

Oh 愛 讓人不明白 用盡整個心對待 總還是要猜
Oh 愛 有誰真明白 儘管再費心安排 也不一定精彩

歌也許 會永遠動聽 人只怕 剩寂寥身影
告訴我你用什麼本領 追求你要的感情
雖然結局不一定 你說的我都想聽

Oh 愛 何必太明白 你那麼用心對待 就是錯也精彩
Oh 愛 何必太明白 你那麼細心安排 誰又忍心責怪



我的心在晃蕩像一陣浪 不知不覺笑得像一陣癢
空氣瀰漫粉紅色的緊張 難道就是你嗎?

*你的臉太明顯 天一樣大 千萬個吻像雨不停地下
讓我看不清楚是真是假 乾脆不去想

#Love, love is pain(他們已說了多少遍)
They say, love is pain(偏偏它又是那麼甜)
愛的箴言沒有錯與對 沒有人的故事可以代表一切

△你我的新世界 我決定去冒險
他們指指點點 愛已經在蔓延

Repeat *,#,△,△



有一頓餐 有一盞燈 和一扇不關的門
我疲倦了 我放棄了 它比誰都心疼
它的溫暖 永遠的跟在 我經過的每一扇窗
就算世界 不再愛我了 我知道誰還再等

一句叮嚀 一張大床 它讓我變得柔軟
城市再亂 腳步再煩 它只要我平安
而我總是 輕率的離開 忘了看背後的遺憾
打開行李 我才發現吶 那偷偷塞滿的愛

我正在長長的家路上 我流淚不是因為感傷
再多遲來的原諒 再多過往的悲傷 都在擁抱的淚水中釋放
我正在長長的家路上 想那遮風擋雨的肩膀
就算失去了所有 就算蜿蜒的太久 家依然會在遠方 陪我祈禱



風的溫度在升高 有太陽的味道 心的速度在狂飆 管他時速多少
天的高度在微笑 有秘密要尋找 路的表面在發燒 等衝刺的訊號

讓人受不了 受不了 有人開始浮躁 有人急的跳腳
不得了 不得了 比湊巧還更剛好

倒數三秒 準備你的絕招
倒數二秒 信心的微笑
倒數一秒 最後的高潮
Rock now Hey now 用力的搖

隨著音樂一起跳動 Say hey Say hi Say ho 感覺真的很Stereo 像我自我忘我
你的汗水還不太夠 好像不夠快樂 換個心情換一首歌 注意我向你揮手


編曲:Ricky Ho

(太)貪心的記憶 貼著人的心 躲不去的為什麼清晰
再覺醒 再冷靜 總有一顆心 是命定了不可能忘記

我早就該相信 那個人會是你
是哭著笑著貼著胸口 用全心 我愛過的憑據

赤著腳 站在雪地 恍惚中感覺你的呼吸
愈分離 心卻愈靠近 昨天今天明天 你愛我的痕跡
愛已經 回不去 不後悔 永遠記憶著你
如果還可以 愛你到世界末日 我都不猶豫

﹡如果還可以愛你 直到世界末日



咖啡 音樂 和翻騰的淚水 帶來整夜的失眠
人在 情在 我卻無法看待 想逃又步步蹣跚
你和我愛的如此混亂 卻只有我陷入苦戰

愛或不愛 懇求你一次說個明白
愛或不愛 別讓我苦苦的等待
愛或不愛 這一份糾纏越理越亂
愛或不愛 愛需要兩個人的勇敢

想你等你 念你問你 每日每夜 都盼
或是現在 或是未來 我只想要 一個答案



等你一整夜 雨也飄一整夜 我濕透的愛 凌亂不堪
今夜你多情的胸膛 在哪裡遊蕩 越想抓緊你 你越逃越遠
淚水我擦乾 決不讓你為難 你若怕糾纏 別再回來
有男人的地方 就有風與浪 你貪婪的心 會在那個溫柔鄉暫時住下

就讓你飛 別再看我一眼 雨滿天 會是誰的淚
我抱緊我的雙臂 不回首也不說再見
怕你對愛的眷戀 為了遠方那片藍天

讓你飛 別再愛我一遍 這世界 容不下完美
你和我斷了一切 我沒有理由去埋怨
就因為我深深愛你 愛的瞬間 對我就算是永遠

讓你飛 別再看我一眼

讓你飛 別再愛我一遍 這世界 容不下完美
你和我斷了一切 我沒有理由去埋怨
就因為我深深愛你 愛的瞬間 對我就算是永遠

人一旦陷入愛裡 離開談何容易
我是為了一份愛 怎有最傻的等待



你的顏色 像黑也像白
你的顏色 像火又像海 再也逃不出來

Blue 是淡淡憂鬱 Kiss good night的你
Black是深深恐懼 忽然陌生的你
今天的房間裏 還有紅色空氣

咖啡苦苦的顏色 像你染過的髮
黃色玫瑰讓我不安 這顆心花不花
今天說的諾言 是白色的永遠

你的顏色 像黑也像白
你的顏色 像火又像海
你的顏色 無所不在
讓我窒息 逃不出來

咖啡苦苦的顏色 像你染過的髮
黃色玫瑰讓我不安 這顆心花不花
今天說的諾言 是白色的永遠

11.Come together

作詞:Martin Tang
作曲:Martin Tang

Here come old flat top, he come grooving up slowly
He got joo joo eye-ball, he one holy roller
He got hair down to his knees got to be a joker,
He just do what he please

he wear no shoe-shine, He got toe jam football
he got monkey finger, He shoot coca cola he say
I know you, you know me
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together, right now, over me

He bag production, He got walrus gum-boot
he got o no sideboard, He one spinal cracker
he got feet down below his knees
Hold you in his arms'til you can feel his disease
Come together, right now, over me

He roller coaster, He got early warning he got muddy water,
he one Mojo Filter he say one and one and one is three got to be
Good looking cause he so hard to see come together,
Night now, over me

12.Addicted to love

Arranger:Martin Tang

The lights are on-but you're not home your mind is not your own
Your heart sweats, your body shakes another kiss is what it
You can't sleep, you can't eat your throat is tight, you can't
There's no doubt-you're in deep another kiss is all you need

You like to think that you're immune to the stuff on yeah?
It's closer to the truth you know gonna have to face it
Gonna have to face it you're addicted to love

You see the Signs-but you can't read You're running at a
different speed
Your heart beats in double-time another kiss and you'll be mine
A one-track mind; you can't be saved another young love is All
you crave
if there's some left for you You don't mind if you do

You like to think that you're immune to the stuff-oh yeah?
It's closer to the truth you know gonna have to tace it
Might as well face it you're addicted to love

13.Blue bayou

作詞:Melson Joe/Orbison

I feel so bad I got a worried mind I'm so lonesome all the time
Since I left my baby behind on blue bayou
Saving nickels, Saving dimes working til the sun don't shine
Looking forward To happier times on blue bayou

I'm going back some day come What may to blue bayou
Where the folks are fine and world is Mine on blue bayou
Where those fishing boats with their sails Float lf I could only
That familiar sunrise through sleepy Eyes how happy I'll be

gonna see my baby again gonna be With some of my friends
maybe I'll feel better again on blue bayou
Saving nickels, saving dimes working til the sun don't shine
Looking forward to happier times on blue bayou

oh, that boy Of mine by my side the silver moon and the evening
Oh, some sweet day going to take away this hurting inside
Well, I'll never be blue my dreams come true on blue bayou

14.Bizarre love triangle

作詞:Morris Stephen/Hook Peter
作曲:Marting Tang

Every time I think of you I get a shot right through
Into a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine
but It's a problem I find
living the life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
the wisdom of a fool won't set You free
but that's the way that it goes and It's what nobody Knows
and every day my confusion grows

every time I see You falling
I get down on my knees and pray I'm waiting
For the final moment you say the words that I can't say

I feel fine and I feel good
I feel like I never should
Whenever I get this way I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday

I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're What you seem
I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone Else
then I'll never see just what we're meant to be

15.Now and forever


Whenever I'm weary from the battles that rage in my head
You make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread
I lose my way but still you seem to understand
Now and forever I will be your girl

Sometimes I just hold you too caught up in me to see
I'm holding a fortune that heaven has given to me
I'll try to show you each and every way I can
Now and forever I will be your girl

Now I can rest my worries and always be sure
That I won't be alone anymore
If I'd only known you were there all the time all this time

Until the day the ocean doesn't touch the sand
Now and forever I will be your girl
Now and forever I will be your girl






16.Big spender

Arranger:Iskandar Ismail

The minute you walked in the joint I could see you were a man of
A real big spender, good looking, so refined say, wouldn't you
like to know
What's goin on in my mind
so let me get right to the point I don't pop My cork for every
man I see
hey, big spender, spend a little time with me

Wouldn't you like to have fun, fun, fun how's bout few laughs,
I could show you a good time let me show you a good time

17.Can't take my eyes off you

Arranger:Ricky Ho

You're just too good to be true can't take my eyes off you
You'd be like heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much
At long last love has arrived and I thank god I'm alive
You're just too good to be true can't take my eyes off you(*)

Pardon the way that I stare there's nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak there are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true can't take my eyes off you

I love you baby, and if it's quite all right I need you baby to
The lonely night I love you baby, trust in me when I say:
Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down, I pray oh pretty baby,
Now that I found you stay and let me love you, baby. Let me love

repeat (*)

I love you baby, and if it's quite all right I need you baby to
The lonely night I love you baby trust in me when I say:
Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down, I pray oh pretty baby,
Now that I found you stay oh pretty baby. Trust in me when
I say:

repeat (**)

18.I have nothing

Written:David Foster/Linda Thompson
Arranger:Ricky Ho

Share my life take me for what I am cause I'll never change
All my colors for you
Take my love I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do

I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go Where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again this passion inside
Can't run from myself there's no where to hide
Your love I remember-forever well

Don't make me close one more door
I don't want to hurt anymore
stay in my arms lf you dare Must I imaging you there
Don't walk away from me
I have nothing Nothing Nothing
lf I don't have you you you you you

You see through right to the heart of me
You break down my walls With the strength of your love
I never knew love like I've known it with you
Whether memory survive One I can hold on to

Don't make me close one more door
I don't want to hurt anymore
Sstay in my arms lf you dare Mush I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me no
Don't walk away from me
Don't you dare walk away from me
I have nothing Nothing Nothing
lf I don't have you you
If I don't have you oh